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Ukrainian urban camouflage

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UK8A.Ukrainian blue urban camouflage uniforms as worn by "Berkut".Jackets
have 2 upper pockets,2 lower pockets,and 2 sleeve pockets.Pants
have 2 front slant pockets and 2 cargo pockets.Available in
sizes 52-7,52-54,56-58,60-62.$119.00
UK8ACAP.Matching caps available in sizes 58,59,60,61,62.$20.00

UK8B.Ukrainian blue urban camouflage uniforms Type 2.
Jacket and pants sets.Shirt/Jackets have 2 upper pockets and 2 sleeve pockets.
Pants have 2 front slant pockets and 2 cargo pockets.Available in
sizes 50-4.$119.00

UK8VEST.Urban camouflage assault vest for above uniform.
Holds 4 AK mags.2 in each lower pocket.$89.95
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Ukrainian para camouflage

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PARA1.Ukrainian paratrooper camouflage sets.Same woodland pattern as UK3.
Jackets have 2 upper pockets and 2 sleeve pockets,with inside leather holster.
Jacket worn inside the pants.Pants have 2 front slant pockets and 2 cargo  pockets.
Worn by all airborne units and also worn by elite ground force formations such as
the National Guards of Ukraine.This uniform replaces the pink variation worn
by Soviet airborne forces.These uniforms were modified on the Ukrainian para
base by removing the lower pockets and adding a holster.
Size's available are 46-5,48-6,50-4,50-6,52-3,52-4,

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PARA2.Ukrainian paratrooper camouflage sets. Jackets have 2 upper
pockets 2 sleeve pockets.Pants have 2 front slant pockets and 2 cargo 
pockets. These uniforms are not modified 6 pocket uniforms. These are
new issue.
spring/summer pattern with mint green base color available in sizes
52-5, 54-4, 54-6, 56-4, 56-5, 58-4. $119.00
Autumn pattern with tan base color available in sizes 54-4. $119.00

Ukrainian winter camouflage

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UK14.Ukrainian woodland camouflage winter sets with removable
winter lining.Lined jacket has 2 upper chest pockets,2 lower pockets,
2 sleeve pockets,1 internal pocket,and built in holster.Jacket also has
concealable camouflage hood which tucks neatly into the jacket behind
the collar.Pants have 2 front slant pockets and 2 cargo
pockets,suspenders.New, unissued.
Available in size 52-4,54-4,54-5,58-4. $189.95

Ukrainian summer camouflage
UK1.Ukrainian VSR pattern camouflage sets.6 pocket type with 2 upper and
2 lower patch pockets,2 sleeve pockets with velcro closure.Pants have 2 front
slant pockets and 2 cargo pockets. $119.00

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UK5A.Ukrainian woodland "forest pattern"type I variation (reference page 105
Camouflage Uniforms of the Soviet Union and Russia 1937-to the present by
Dennis Desmond)Identical to the Soviet naval infantry pattern.Worn by all
branches of the armed services except flight crews. $119.00
UK5BV.Type 4 variation.NICE. $119.00
UK5BVCAP.Matching camouflage caps.$20.00

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UK5B.Green summer variation. $119.00

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UK5C.Ukrainian woodland "desert mountain pattern
"type I variation.(reference page 105 Camouflage Uniforms
of the Soviet Union and Russia 1937-to the present
by Dennis Desmond)Soviet naval infantry pattern.Worn by all branches
of the ukrainian armed forces except flight crews.Several variations in color
and material in stock.$119.00
UK5D.New current production model.Fall colors.
Available in size 52-3.$119.00

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UK15.Ukrainian pilots and aircrew camouflage uniforms. Pants have 2 cargo pockets
and 2 front pockets, jackets are zip up with 1 upper snap pocket. Size 54-6. $119.00

UK4.Ukrainian woodland pattern camouflage sets.Very soft silk like material
for officers.Type I variation.Available in both green forest pattern and
desert/mountain. $119.00

UK9A.Ukrainian experimental pattern.Manufactured in 1993.Green
summer variation.Only a few available.Size 50-4 only.SOLD OUT

Ukrainian experimental pattern.Manufactured in 1993.Brown
fall variation.Only a few available.Size 50-4 only. SOLD OUT

UK9C.Ukrainian experimental pattern.Manufactured in 1993.Green
summer variation.Only a few available.Size 50-4 only.$139.95

UK9D.Ukrainian experimental pattern.Manufactured in 1993.Green
summer variation.Only a few available.Size 50-4 only.$139.95

UK9E.Ukrainian experimental pattern.Manufactured in 1993.Green
summer variation.Only a few available.Size 50-4 only. SOLD OUT

Ukrainian camouflage poncho.Sleeveless with hood.Snap closure.
Brand new current issue.Comes packed in small camouflage bag.$45.00

Ukrainian camouflage headgear

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UKH5.Ukrainian Army Green woodland camouflage berets with cocarde and flash.
Available in sizes 58. $29.95

UK10.Ukrainian field furazkhas.many variations in color and material.$20.00

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UK10A.Ukrainian camouflage hat.Type1.

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UK10B.Ukrainian camouflage hat.Type2.

UK10C.Ukrainian camouflage hat.Type3.

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UK10D.Ukrainian camouflage hat.Type4.

UK10E.Ukrainian camouflage hat.Type5.

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