military and police patches of Yugoslavia, Republic of Srpska (in Bosnia and
Herzegovina) and Republic of Serbian Kraina (now again within Croatia).
It consists of 672 different pieces including varieties.
Most of them are the war issues from the period of the last war in
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, 1991-1995 and include patches for the army
uniforms of RS, RSK, Yugoslav Army too, as well as of paramilitary units.
Earlier issues of Republic of Yugoslavia are included but before the war in
1990s, not many patches existed.
Regarding the varieties, they are mostly in colors, for it was an official
policy of the Serbian armies to change color of the patch after some of their
soldiers was captured by the Muslim and Croat enemies, in order to avoid
the misuse of the old patches.
The collection offered is one of only two very best collections in the world.
The collection offered include many extremely rare issues, especially some
patches of paramilitary troops, trial issues etc.
Some of the paramilitary patches (especially of the famous ARKAN's troops
called "The Tigers" or The Serbian Volunteer Guards, are extremely scarce.
Yugoslav Patches
Yugoslav para
YU904. Yugoslav communist era para sleeve patches. $20.00 |
R553.Yugoslav 63rd Para bevo sleeve patch with white eagle and yellow 63 for walking out uniform. $15.00 |
R553.Yugoslav 63rd Para bevo sleeve patch with Red 63 for camouflage uniform. $15.00 |
YU1059.N e w : A rare PARASHUTIST SLEEVE PATCH of the Yugoslav Army
"Kosovo 2000". In a form of a shield with parachute in center and
inscription "K-2000" above and "V.J." (Vojska Jugoslavije) below. Cloth on
felt, blue and white print. $25.00
YU1060.N e w : A rare PARASHUTIST SLEEVE PATCH of the Yugoslav Army
"Kosovo 2000". In a form of a shield with parachute in center and
inscription "K-2000" above and "V.J." (Vojska Jugoslavije) below.On
camouflage cloth. $25.00
CRS17.Yugoslav sleeve patch for the 1st para anti-terrorist company of the
72nd brigade. $20.00
CRS17B.As above but with black parachute on silver field. $15.00 |
SRB1.Serbian Army subdued sleeve patch for the camouflage uniform. $12.00 |
Yugoslav Army
YUPTCH.Yugoslav flag sleeve patch. $8.00 |
YU563A.Yugoslav Army sleeve patches.Type 1.$15.00
YU563B.Yugoslav Army sleeve patches.Type 2.Printed.$15.00
YU563C.Yugoslav Army sleeve patches.Type 3.Woven.Maroon.$15.00
YU563D.Yugoslav Army sleeve patches.Type 4.Woven,red.$15.00
YU563E.Yugoslav Army sleeve patches.Type 5.Embroidered,red.$15.00 |
YU568.Yugoslav sleeve patches for the sport uniforms of the Yugoslav
Peoples Army.Yugoslav flag and coat of arms with inscription
"Yugoslavia" in gold.$12.95
Yugoslav Air Force - Air Defence Forces
YU2251.FRY Yugoslav Air Forces woven sleeve patch. $20.00
FRY585.Yugoslav Air Force sleeve patch.On blue. SOLD OUT
YU2395.Air Force Corps. On black. $15.00
YU699.Yugoslav communist era Air Force and Air Defence Forces sleeve patch.$5.00 |
YU689.Yugoslav Army sleeve patch for the Acrobatic Yugoslav Army flying
team "The Flying Stars".$15.00
YU2387.As above but on dark blue plastic. $15.00
105 mm.Colorful design. $10.00
YU2376. 897th Mixed Helicopter Squadron "THE HORNETS". $15.00
YU2380.714th Anti-armored helicopter squadron "THE SHADOWS". $15.00
YU2380B.As above but embroidered. $20.00 |
RS125.Sleeve patch for Delta Squadron. $20.00 |
YU2369.124th fighter aviation squadron "THE THUNDERS". $15.00
YU2378.252nd Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE WOLVES FROM THE MOUTH OF THE RIVER". $15.00
YU2372.83rd Fighting Aviation Regiment. $15.00
YU2372B.As above but embroidered. $15.00 |
YU2389.98th Fighting-Bomber Aviation Regiment. $15.00
YU2374.242 Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE EAGLES". $15.00
YU2374B.As above but embroidered. $15.00 |
RS126.Embroidered sleeve patch for the 130th Demon Squadron. $20.00 |
YU2396.The air defense corps. Dark blue and blue field. $15.00
YU2397.The air defense corps. Black and blue field. $15.00
YU2375.784th Anti-submarine helicopter squadron "THE SHARKS". $15.00
YU2373.123rd Fighting Aviation Squadron "LIONS". $15.00
YU2392.251st Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE PUMAS". $15.00
YU2388.239th Fighter Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE VAMPIRES" .$15.00
YU2382.353rd Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE HAWKS".
Blue field.$15.00
YU2382B.As above but embroidered. $15.00 |
YU2383.253rd Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE HAWKS".
Black field. $15.00
YU2371.204th Fighting Aviation Regiment. $15.00
YU2393.712th Anti-armored helicopter squadron "THE SCORPIONS". $15.00
YU2386. 890th Mixed Helicopter Squadron. $15.00
YU2391.229th Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron "THE SWORDS" $15.00
YU2384.677th Transport Aviation Squadron. Blue field. $15.00
YU2385.677th Transport Aviation Squadron. Black field. $15.00
YU2381.787th Transport Helicopter Squadron. $15.00
YU2390.172nd Aviation Brigade. $15.00
YU913.FRY. PATCH MIG 29. Embroidery on silk, 95 x 70 mm. SOLD OUT
YU870.FRY. Fighter aviation 127th squadron "THE CAVALIERS". Embroidery on
cloth, 105 x 125 mm. $20.00
YU2370.127th squadron "THE CAVALIERS". Type 2. $15.00
YU2377.241st Fighting Bomber Aviation Squadron. $20.00
YU2379.119th Helicopter Regiment. $20.00
CRS37.Yugoslav air force squadron sleeve patch."Wolves" with Mig 29. $20.00
YU2511.FRY patch of the 252nd fighter bombing aviation squadron
"The Wolves From the Firth". Embroidered. $20.00
RS136B.As above but variation. $20.00 |
YU3205.Yugoslav Army academy sleeve patch. Communist era. $20.00 |
Yugoslav Military Police
FRY20.Serbian Republic Military Police sleeve patch.$20.00 SOLD OUT
YU620A.Sleeve patch of the Military Police of the Yugoslav Army.
Round patch with white eagle in center on crossed swords and
Serbian tricolor with laurel and oak leaves.With cyrillic inscription
for military police.$15.00
YU620B.Sleeve patch of the Military Police of the Yugoslav Army.
Round patch with white eagle in center on crossed swords and
Serbian tricolor with laurel and oak leaves.With cyrillic inscription
for military police.$20.00
YU620C.Sleeve patch of the Military Police of the Yugoslav Army.
Round patch with white eagle in center on crossed swords and
Serbian tricolor with laurel and oak leaves.With cyrillic inscription
for military police.Embroidered.$20.00
CRS11.Sleeve patch for the special unit of military police with Cyrillic descriptions: VOD VP. SPECIJALNE NAMENE VOJSKE JUGOSLAVIJE. Condition is excellent, diameter c/a: 10,2 cm. $25.00 SOLD OUT
CRS11B.As above but variation. $25.00
RS134.Yugoslav Army military police. $15.00 |
Yugoslav police
RS135.Republic Serbia police sleeve patch. $15.00 |
FRY21.Serbia.Unaccepted trial design sleeve patch made at the time
when they were changing the name from Milicija to Policija.$15.00
FRY22.As above but Milicija.$15.00
FRY24.As above.Milicija on green.$15.00
FRY25.As above.Milicija on dark blue.$15.00
FRY26.As above.Milicija.$15.00
FRY27.As above.Milicija.$15.00
FRY28.As above.Policija.$15.00
FRY23.Sleeve patch for the Militia of the Serbian Republic. sold out
YU1208.SLEEVE PATCH "MILITIA". White on black felt. $15.00
YU520.Sleeve patch for the uniforms of the Yugoslav Special Police
YU874.POLICE ACADEMY, SLEEVE PATCH. Embroidery on cloth. $15.00
YU1212.A sleeve patch for the SECURITY FORCES (Police) at the Celebration
of the 600th Anniversary of the Kosovo battle, 1389 - 1989. Serbian shield
with a police sword over two branches. Circumscription reads "600 YEARS FROM
THE KOSOVO BATTLE". Multicolor embroidery on black felt. Rare. $29.95
Yugoslav Interior Ministry
YU855.COAT OF ARMS OF SFRY, light blue ribbon, used by Federal Interior
Ministry. $15.00
Yugoslav Civil Defence
YU517.Sleeve patches for the Serbian Civil Defence.
Communist era.$12.00
Yugoslav Customs
SR101.Yugoslav Customs officer sleeve patch.$10.00
Yugoslav Educational Institutions
YU1213.A POCKET PATCH for the Students of the EDUCATION CENTER FOR
THE INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS in Zagreb, Croatia (within SFR Yugoslavia).
Blue and red print on white cloth. $15.00
MISC. Yugoslav patches
YU2869.Yugoslav olympic sleeve patches.White with multicolor olympic circles
and Yugoslav blue-white-red flag and inscription JUGOSLAVIJA. $15.00
YU3206.Yugoslav sleeve patch with map of Yugoslavia. Communist era. $15.00 |
YU2440.Yugoslav red cross sleeve patch. $15.00 |
YU2441.Yugoslav red cross sleeve patch. $15.00 |
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